24-11-1. "Jail" defined--Classification of jails. The term, jail, as used in this chapter includes any building or place provided or used by any county, municipality, or civil township for the detention of adult persons convicted or accused of the violation of any law of this state, any ordinance or bylaw of any municipality or civil township, or any rule or regulation of any board, commission, or public officer having the effect of law; or for the detention of adult persons held as witnesses or committed for contempts, except juvenile detention facilities located outside jails and lockups and approved collocated detention facilities operated by counties. The governing body or commission responsible for the operation of a jail shall classify its jails based upon the types of persons detained therein and the maximum length of detention of persons in such jails.
Source: SDC 1939, § 13.4601; SL 1981, ch 195, § 1; SL 1983, ch 198, § 1; SL 1992, ch 60, § 2; SL 2003, ch 149, § 9.