24-11A-16. Administration of adult community corrections facility by Department of Corrections. The department shall:
(1) Establish a written statement of standards for adult community corrections facility and program contractors. This statement of standards shall be incorporated in the contract conditions and agreed upon services to be performed by the contractor;
(2) Annually review and evaluate all adult community corrections facilities and programs funded under this chapter;
(3) Prescribe accounting and reporting standards for all program providers funded under this chapter;
(4) Establish a per diem rate to be paid by the department to program providers under this chapter which may not exceed the daily cost of keeping an inmate in the South Dakota state penitentiary system;
(5) Establish the rate which may be charged a client by the program provider in addition to the rate charged to the department; and
(6) Promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
Source: SL 1991, ch 208, § 18; SL 1992, ch 175, § 5.