34-20-9. License permitted for sale of enumerated poisons--Addition of other products to list. Any dealer, not a registered pharmacist, being a citizen of the United States or a resident of South Dakota, and of good moral character, may procure a license as provided in this chapter to sell certain poisons, to wit:
(1) Paris green, lead arsenate, calcium arsenate;
(2) Preparations and mixtures intended for insecticidal and fungicidal use in which the active ingredients are organic compounds of mercury;
(3) Copper carbonate, copper sulphate, copperas, formaldehyde, paradichlorobenzene, motor ether, stock dips;
and any dealer may procure a license as provided in this chapter to sell rat and gopher poisons, excepting such as contain any of the poisons set forth in schedule A in § 34-20-2. The State Board of Pharmacy and the secretary of agriculture by and with the approval of the attorney general shall have authority, subject to the requirements of chapter 1-26, to add, from time to time, to the above list similar products as they may come upon the market.
Source: SL 1929, ch 124, § 3; SDC 1939, § 22.1203; revised pursuant to SL 1972, ch 15, § 4.