36-9A-29. Revocation or suspension of license--Grounds. The boards may deny, revoke, or suspend any license or application for licensure to practice as a nurse practitioner or nurse midwife in this state, and may take such other disciplinary or corrective action as the boards deem appropriate upon proof that the license holder or applicant has:
(1) Committed fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in procuring or in attempting to procure a license;
(2) Aided or abetted an unlicensed person to practice as a nurse practitioner or nurse midwife;
(3) Engaged in practice as a nurse practitioner or nurse midwife under a false or assumed name and failed to register that name pursuant to chapter 37-11, or impersonated another license holder of a like or different name;
(4) Become addicted to the habitual use of intoxicating liquors or controlled drugs as defined by chapter 34-20B to such an extent as to incapacitate the license holder or applicant from the performance of professional duties;
(5) Negligently, willfully, or intentionally acted in a manner inconsistent with the health and safety of persons entrusted to the license holder's care;
(6) Had authorization to practice as a nurse practitioner or nurse midwife denied, revoked, or suspended or had other disciplinary action taken in another state;
(7) Failed to maintain on file with the boards a copy of each collaborative agreement accurately containing the current information regarding the license holder's practice status required by the boards;
(8) Practiced as a nurse practitioner or nurse midwife without a valid license;
(9) Engaged in the performance of advanced practice nursing and medical functions beyond the scope of practice authorized by any current collaborative agreement or by § 36-9A-12 or 36-9A-13;
(10) Violated any provisions of this chapter or the rules and regulations of the boards promulgated hereunder.
Source: SL 1979, ch 256, § 18; SL 1994, ch 299, § 2; SL 1995, ch 218, § 19; SL 1999, ch 192, § 21.