40-6-4. Permit for importation of cattle without certificate of health--Quarantine until tested--Expenses of testing. Any person desiring to bring any cow, heifer, or bull over six months old into the state without the certificate of health required by § 40-6-3 shall notify the Animal Industry Board at Pierre, stating the number and kind of livestock and the name and address of the consignee and consignor. The board may issue a permit for such livestock to enter the state without such certificate. Any such animal brought into this state without such health certificate, though by permit of the board, shall be detained at its destination or some other suitable place in quarantine until it has been tested and released by an officer or agent of the board and a proper certificate issued. All charges and expenses for making such test shall be paid by the owner of such animal.
Source: SDC 1939, § 40.0303; SL 1990, ch 325, § 53.