46A-3E-11. Apportionment of tax levy--Form of levy. Upon completion and adoption of a budget, a water development district board of directors shall make a tax levy or special assessment or both in dollars sufficient to fund the budget. The Board of Water and Natural Resources may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 specifying standards and requirements for water development district budgets and defining allowable amendments to approved budgets. Any tax levy made against the property in any given county in a water development district shall be in an amount equal to the total water development district tax levy in dollars multiplied by the county's proportional share. The county's proportional share shall be determined by dividing the equalized assessed valuation of the area within the water development district for that county by the total water development district equalized assessed valuation. The provisions of § 10-12-34.1 may not prohibit apportionment of the tax among the counties as provided in this section. No water development district tax levy may be in excess of the limitation specified in chapters 46A-3A to 46A-3E, inclusive, except as provided in § 46A-3E-1. Any tax levy shall be in the form of a resolution adopted by a majority vote of the members of the board of directors of the water development district.
Source: SL 1984 (SS), ch 1, § 55; SL 1986, ch 372, § 3; SL 1989, ch 386, § 6; SL 1991, ch 17 (Ex. Ord. 91-4), § 17.