Chapter 06 - Irrigation District Contracts And Financing
- Section 46A-6-1 - Unauthorized debts--Incurring by officers or board of directors forbidden.
- Section 46A-6-2 - Contract for supply of water to irrigate lands within district--Authority of boardof directors--Source of supply, location.
- Section 46A-6-3 - Contract for supply of water to irrigate lands--Payment of purchase price withinone year, tax levy.
- Section 46A-6-4 - Contract to supply water to irrigate lands--Payments extending more than oneyear--Submission to voters for approval or disapproval, general or specialelection, notice, conduct of ele
- Section 46A-6-4.1 - Eligibility to vote on water supply contract.
- Section 46A-6-5 - Drainage of land by district--Providing of necessary funds--Surveys--Eminentdomain--Contract with United States.
- Section 46A-6-6 - Contract with United States for drainage of lands in district--Contract by boardof directors for drainage of contiguous outside lands, assumption of cost andrepayment to United State
- Section 46A-6-7 - Contract with United States--Submission by board of directors to voters,general or special election, notice, conduct of election--Approval by voters,execution of contract by board of
- Section 46A-6-8 - Supplemental contracts with United States--Board of directors authorized toenter into--Amount of principal indebtedness not increased.
- Section 46A-6-9 - Supplemental contracts with United States--Election not necessary--Judicialconfirmation not required--Resolution of board of directors authorizingexecution.
- Section 46A-6-10 - Prior supplemental contracts with United States validated.
- Sections 46A-6-11 to 46A-6-14 - Repealed
- Section 46A-6-15 - Covenants and agreements to protect security and payment of bonds--Agreements included.
- Section 46A-6-16 - Bonds of district to be delivered to United States under reclamation contract--Form--Terms--Denominations.
- Section 46A-6-17 - Issuance of bond not necessary--Cost and expenses of property and workscovered by contract between district and United States.
- Section 46A-6-18 - Repealed.
- Section 46A-6-19 - Payment of bonds and interest--Annual assessment upon real property ofdistrict.
- Sections 46A-6-20, 46A-6-21 - Repealed
- Section 46A-6-22 - Debt service fund--Investment in federal or state bonds or certificates ofdeposit, deposits in banks within state.
- Section 46A-6-23 - Interest on due and unpaid interest coupons of bonds--Election to authorize--Form of ballots.
- Section 46A-6-24 - Interest on unpaid coupons--Majority vote of electors--Adoption declared byboard--Levy for capital projects fund--Stamping of coupons by countytreasurer.
- Sections 46A-6-25 to 46A-6-28 - Repealed
- Sections 46A-6-29, 46A-6-30 - Authority of district to contract with the United States guaranteeing bonds of district or extending financial credit. Acceptance of benefits of federal law by districts-
- Section 46A-6-31 - Confirmation of contracts and assessments by board of directors--Specialproceeding in circuit court--Practice and procedure--Partial approval and partialdisapproval--Curing of defec
- Section 46A-6-32 - Confirmation of issue and sale of bonds by board of directors--Judicialexamination in special proceeding--Approval or disapproval by circuit court.
- Section 46A-6-33 - Petition of board of directors for confirmation of issue and sale of bonds--Filedin circuit court--Contents.
- Section 46A-6-34 - Hearing of petition of board of directors for confirmation of issue and sale ofbonds--Notice of filing, publication--Time and place.
- Section 46A-6-35 - Pleading to petition of board of directors for confirmation of issue and sale ofbonds--Law governing.
- Section 46A-6-36 - Contract with United States amendatory of individual water right contracts--Exception.
- Section 46A-6-37 - Jurisdiction of court upon hearing of petition of board of directors forconfirmation of issue and sale of bonds--Determination of legality of acts ofboard, disregard of irregulariti
- Section 46A-6-38 - Determination of legality of proceedings for issue and sale of bonds--Statementof facts by board of directors, preparation, contents, certification--Statementand bonds presented to
- Section 46A-6-39 - Borrowing money by board of directors--United States contracts.
- Section 46A-6-40 - Borrowing money by board of directors--Unforeseen or unusual conditions inoperating and maintaining system.
- Section 46A-6-41 - Borrowing money by board of directors--Maximum amount--Payment of loans.
- Section 46A-6-41.1 - Borrowing funds from conservancy district--Pledge of district credit.
- Section 46A-6-42 - Funds of district--Deposit in bank, designation by board of directors, release ofdistrict treasurer from personal liability.
- Section 46A-6-43 - Funds of district--Withdrawal from construction fund and deposit in countytreasury--Safekeeping and distribution by county treasurer--Monthly report ofcounty treasurer, verification
- Section 46A-6-44 - Costs of acquisition of property and construction of works and improvements--Payment out of construction fund or in district bonds.
- Section 46A-6-45 - Additional bonds of district--Priority.
- Section 46A-6-46 - Claims against district--Verification required--Oaths administered by districtsecretary.
- Section 46A-6-47 - Claims against district--Allowance by board of directors--Warrants forpayment.
- Section 46A-6-48 - Insufficient funds for payment of warrants--Endorsement of district treasurer--Interest.
- Section 46A-6-49 - Register of warrants by district treasurer, contents--Warrants paid in order ofpresentation.
- Section 46A-6-50 - District treasurer--Monthly report.
- Section 46A-6-51 - Transfer of assets and liabilities of nonprofit entity to district--Approval bygoverning board and electors.
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