46A-7A-153. Contents of proposed budget. At a budget meeting, the proposed budget shall be presented in detail to identify all anticipated expenditures, including payments to the United States for water, for power, and on construction loans, payments to the state for obligations to the state, payments on bonds or other borrowings of the district, payments for water or power to other than the United States, compensation of directors, fees and charges of engineering and other consultants, salaries and benefits of district staff, operation and maintenance expense, insurance expense, deposits to reserve, or sinking funds for irrigation, drainage, environmental, or recreational purposes, construction expenses for such purposes, purchases of supplies and equipment, and any other proper expense of the district. Sources of funds to meet expenditures, including anticipated unexpended fund balances at the beginning of the year, anticipated loans or borrowings, anticipated income from tolls and charges and calls on assessments levied by the board for capital, drainage, or general fund purposes also shall be set forth.
Source: SL 1985, ch 360, § 153.