46A-18-74. Petition for dissolution of district--Election--Notice--Ballots. Twenty-five or more qualified voters or twenty-five percent of the qualified voters of a water project district, whichever is less, may petition the district directors to submit to an election the question of dissolving the district and settling its bonded and other indebtedness. Upon receipt of the petition the directors shall call a special election to be held within no less than sixty days but no more than ninety days after receipt of the petition. Notice of the election shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in each county or counties in the district once each week for three successive weeks. The notice shall state that an election is to be held to determine whether the water project district shall be dissolved. The ballots shall read as follows:
For dissolution of (Name) Water Project District ()
Against dissolution of (Name) Water Project District ().
Source: SL 1984, ch 293, § 73; SL 1990, ch 366, § 18.