50-10-32. Definition of terms. Terms in §§ 50-10-33 to 50-10-35, inclusive, mean:
(1) "Centerline," a line extended through the midpoint of each end of a runway;
(2) "Compatible land use," a use of land adjacent to a military airport that does not endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the owners, occupants, or users of the land because of levels of noise or vibrations or the risk of personal injury or property damage created by the operations of the military airport, including the taking off and landing of military aircraft;
(3) "Controlled compatible land use area," any area of land located outside military airport boundaries and within a rectangle bounded by lines located no farther than one and one-half statute miles from the centerline of an instrument or primary runway and lines located no farther than five statute miles from each end of the paved surface of an instrument or primary runway unless noise standards exceed these distances;
(4) "Instrument runway," any existing or planned military runway of at least three thousand two hundred feet which serves or will serve an instrument landing procedure prescribed by Federal Aviation Administration Order 8260.3B "United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures";
(5) "Military airport," any area of land or water, publicly or privately owned, designed and set aside for the landing and taking off of military aircraft and used in the interest of the public for that purpose;
(6) "Military airport hazard," any structure or obstruction that obstructs the air space required for the taking off, landing, or flight of military aircraft or that interferes with visual, radar, radio, or other systems for tracking, monitoring, controlling, or acquiring data relating to military aircraft;
(7) "Military airport hazard area," an area of land or water on which a military airport hazard may exist;
(8) "Military airport zoning regulation," a military airport hazard area zoning regulation and a military airport compatible land use zoning regulation adopted under §§ 50-10-32 to 50-10-35, inclusive;
(9) "Obstruction," any structure, object of natural growth, or other object, including a mobile object, that exceeds a height established by C.F.R. 14 Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77 "Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace" or by a military airport hazard area zoning standard;
(10) "Political subdivision," any municipality or county;
(11) "Primary runway," any existing or planned paved runway, as shown on the official military airport layout plan, of at least three thousand two hundred feet on which a majority of the approaches to and departures from the military airport occur;
(12) "Runway," a defined area of a military airport prepared for the landing and taking off of military aircraft along its length.
Source: SL 1996, ch 278, § 1.