62-9-2. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "Occupational loss of hearing," a permanent sensorineural loss of hearing caused by prolonged exposure to excessive noise in the working environment;
(2) "Excessive noise," sound in the working environment capable of producing occupational loss of hearing. Sound of an intensity of less than ninety decibels, "A scale, slow response', is considered incapable of producing occupational hearing losses as defined in this chapter. Regular exposure to the noise levels set forth below for periods less than those described for such levels does not constitute an exposure to excessive noise:
Noise Levels Periods A Scale, Slow Response 90 DB 8 hours per day 92 DB 6 hours per day 95 DB 4 hours per day 97 DB 3 hours per day 100 DB 2 hours per day 105 DB 1 hour per day 110 DB 30 minutes per day 115 DB 15 minutes per day Greater than 115 DB No exposure recommended
Source: SL 1986, ch 427, § 2.