7-25A-2. Petition for establishment of improvement district--Contents. A petition for the establishment of an improvement district shall be filed with the auditor of each county in which the proposed district is located. The petition shall contain:
(1) The legal description of the property of the district;
(2) The written consent by the owner or owners of one hundred percent of the real property to be included in the district, consenting to the establishment of the district and the filing of the petition, or documentation demonstrating that the petitioner has control by deed, trust agreement, contract, or option of one hundred percent of the real property to be included in the district;
(3) A designation of five persons to be the initial members of the board of supervisors, who shall serve in that office until replaced by elected members;
(4) The proposed name of the district;
(5) An accurate survey and map of the territory intended to be embraced within the proposed district showing the boundaries and area thereof. The accuracy thereof shall be verified by affidavit of a licensed surveyor. The survey and map, when completed and verified, shall be left at a convenient public office, to be designated by the county auditor of the county in which the petition is filed, for a period of not less than twenty days for examination by those having an interest in the application;
(6) The proposed timetable for construction of the district services and the estimated cost of constructing the services;
(7) An economic impact statement of the district upon the county;
(8) An environmental impact survey; and
(9) A statement that the creation of the district is consistent with any applicable comprehensive or effective local government plan.
Source: SL 1989, ch 59, § 2.