9-48-11. Determination of benefits and assessments for service sewers. In and by the resolution declaring the necessity of the improvement it may be provided that the cost thereof shall be apportioned to each lot or tract of land fronting or abutting thereon according to the benefits determined by the governing body to accrue therefrom, and in such event the governing body, in preparing, considering, and hearing objections to the assessment roll as provided in chapter 9-43, shall make such investigation as may be necessary and shall find and determine the amount in which each such lot or tract will be benefited by the construction of the improvement, and shall assess against each such lot or tract such amount, not exceeding its special benefit, as shall be necessary to pay its just portion of the total cost of the work to be assessed.
Source: SDC 1939, § 45.1813 as added by SL 1949, ch 187, § 8.