1-2-105. Laws not repealed.
The following are not to be deemed repealed by the enactment of this code, or the failure to incorporate the statutes or provisions of statutes as a part of this code, unless repealed by necessary implication:
(1) Local, special or private acts, or general or public acts of a temporary nature. Local act means one applicable to one (1) or more, but not all, subdivisions or parts of the state;
(2) Provisions in general laws excepting particular localities or subdivisions from their operation;
(3) Acts amendatory of general laws excepting such localities or political subdivisions of the state specifically from their operation;
(4) Acts ceding territory and jurisdiction to the general government;
(5) Acts fixing state or county boundaries;
(6) Acts establishing or regulating special and local courts;
(7) Acts fixing the times of holding courts, or providing for judges or chancellors holding any such, by special act;
(8) Acts, which are not incorporated in this code, establishing, aiding or regulating state or state-aided parks, reservations or memorials;
(9) Acts appropriating money or authorizing the issuance of bonds, or providing sinking funds, for special purposes;
(10) Acts authorizing the construction of public buildings or works;
(11) Acts authorizing officials to convey or mortgage property of the state, including grants of easements;
(12) Curative or validating acts, or provisions in acts, though relating to a general law;
(13) Acts of incorporation passed before the Constitution of 1870 became effective;
(14) Acts incorporating grand lodges of fraternal orders, or societies, and creating or regulating charitable bodies, such as the Ladies' Hermitage Association;
(15) Acts relating to turnpikes and turnpike corporations;
(16) Provisions in general acts saving rights accrued or status fixed under previous acts or laws;
(17) Occupant, entry and other land laws; and
(18) Any act to provide for the revenue of the state and the counties and municipalities thereof, except as may be incorporated in this code.
[Code 1932, § 3; modified; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 1-205.]