12-1-110. Joint purchase of art.
(a) Any state agency authorized to purchase a work of art is authorized to enter into contracts with a private or public foundation to jointly purchase a work of art as defined in § 47-25-1002. Such contracts shall be entered into in accordance with state purchasing statutes and regulations.
(b) Such contracts, to be mutually agreed upon, shall provide that neither party may dispose of its partial ownership without the consent of the other, and shall set forth in detail the proportion of ownership of each party, the alternation of custody of the work of art, provision for conservation treatment, if needed, provision for transport between the parties, and the conditions of display and care to be observed while the work of art is in the control of each party.
(c) No such contract shall be binding on the state agency until it is reviewed and approved by the office of the attorney general and reporter as to its legality for new purchases.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to property already owned by the state, nor shall it impair the obligation of state agencies to dispose of their ownership or part ownership in property in accordance with applicable state statutes and regulations governing disposal of state property.
[Acts 1988, ch. 598, § 1.]