16-21-111. Personal injury or death cases in chancery or circuit courts Reports.
(a) The clerks of circuit courts and the clerks and masters of chancery courts shall report, on a monthly basis, to the Tennessee judicial council on a form to be devised and distributed by the judicial council, the following data:
(1) The number of cases filed claiming money damages for personal injury or death;
(2) The number of such cases actually proceeding to trial; and
(3) For each such case actually proceeding to trial, the number of cases in which the plaintiff was awarded some money damages for personal injury or death, the amount of the verdict given in a jury case, the amount of judgment in a case without a jury, and any additur or remittitur awarded in the case by the trial judge.
(b) The presiding judge in each circuit shall verify the trial data reported to the Tennessee judicial council.
(c) The Tennessee judicial council shall compile such data and report the findings of the previous fiscal year, on or before February 1 of each year, to the chair of the senate judiciary committee, the chair of the judiciary committee of the house of representatives and the attorney general and reporter. The report shall be a public document, available on request from the judicial council.
[Acts 1989, ch. 53, § 1.]