2-19-201. Part definitions.
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Election includes all elections, local, municipal, primary, general, state, federal and special and any election in the state or any county, municipality or other political subdivision thereof, but does not include referenda or issues submitted to a vote of the people, political convention or caucus;
(2) Public funds and public lands, offices, buildings, vehicles and facilities include those owned and supported principally by public money appropriated from the state treasury; and
(3) Public officers and employees means all employees of the executive branch of the state government, or any department, division, or agency thereof, and all appointed officers and employees of any educational institution, establishment, corporation or agency supported principally by state funds. Popularly elected officials, officials elected by the general assembly, qualified candidates for public office, teachers, as defined by § 49-1501 [repealed], members of the governor's cabinet, and members of the governor's staff are expressly excluded from the provisions of this part, except for the provisions of § 2-19-202.
[Acts 1972, ch. 740, § 1; T.C.A., § 2-1936.]