2-3-302. Establishment of convenient voting centers for 2009 municipal elections.
(a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the state coordinator of elections, in collaboration with each county election commission where a municipality or municipalities have been chosen for the pilot project, shall establish a program that allows the municipality to combine precincts or polling places or establish one (1) or more convenient voting centers for the municipal election scheduled for 2009.
(b) If convenient voting centers are used in the election, precinct polling places shall not also be used in that election.
(c) Each convenient voting center used in the pilot project shall have a secure electronic connection, certified by the coordinator of elections, to the computerized voter registration system maintained by the county election commission permitting all voting information processed by any computer at a convenient voting center to be immediately accessible to all other computers at all convenient voting centers in the municipality. The secure electronic connection must be sufficient to prevent any voter from voting more than once and to prevent unauthorized access to the computerized voter registration system.
(d) Each convenient voting center shall meet all applicable federal and state laws including the accessibility requirements of the Help America Vote Act, codified generally in 42 U.S.C. § 15301.
(e) Chapter 7 of this title applies to all convenient voting centers.
[Acts 2008, ch. 1087, § 1.]