2-8-111. Tie votes.
If there is a tie vote between the two (2) or more persons having the highest number of votes for an office, the state election commission shall cast the deciding vote except that:
(1) The county legislative body shall cast the deciding vote for offices filled by the votes of a single county or civil district;
(2) The municipal legislative body shall cast the deciding vote for municipal offices, or, in the alternative, the legislative body may by resolution call for a run-off election between the tied candidates;
(3) The governor shall cast the deciding vote for representatives in congress;
(4) The election shall be void if it is for senator in congress, and the governor shall immediately issue an order directing the holding of a special election for the office; and
(5) The general assembly in joint convention shall cast the deciding vote for governor.
[Acts 1972, ch. 740, § 1; T.C.A., § 2-811; Acts 1981, ch. 478, §§ 4, 5; 1991, ch. 73, § 1; 1995, ch. 305, § 58.]