29-3-110. Order of abatement.
(a) If, upon the trial, the existence of the nuisance is established under § 29-3-101(a)(2)(A), an order of abatement shall be entered as part of the judgment or decree of the court, which order shall direct the removal from the building or place where the nuisance exists or is maintained of all means, appliances, fixtures, appurtenances, materials, supplies and instrumentalities used for the purpose of conducting, maintaining or carrying on the unlawful business, occupation, game, practice or device constituting the nuisance; and shall direct the sale thereof, or such portion thereof as may be lawfully sold, upon such terms as the court may order, and the payment of the proceeds into court to be applied to costs or paid over to the owner, and the destruction of such portion thereof, if any, as cannot be lawfully sold within this state; and the judgment or decree shall perpetually enjoin the defendant from engaging in, conducting, continuing, or maintaining the nuisance, directly or indirectly, by the defendant or defendant's agents or representatives, and perpetually forbidding the owner of the building from permitting or suffering the nuisance to be done in the building.
(b) If, upon the trial, the existence of the nuisance is established under § 29-3-101(a)(2)(B), an order of abatement shall be entered as part of the judgment or decree of the court, which order shall perpetually enjoin the defendant or defendants from engaging in, conducting or continuing the nuisance, directly or indirectly.
[Acts 1913 (2nd E.S.), ch. 2, § 6; Shan., § 5164a11; Code 1932, § 9334; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 23-311; Acts 2009, ch. 571, § 2.]