29-6-120. Contents of writ.
The writ shall be addressed to the sheriff of the county, unless the suit be before a judge of the court of general sessions, and then it may be addressed to a constable; and it shall command the sheriff or constable to attach and safely keep, repleviable upon security, the estate of the defendant, wherever the same may be found in the county, or in the hands of any person indebted to or having any of the effects of the defendant, or so much thereof as shall be of value sufficient to satisfy the debt or demand, and the costs of the complaint.
[Code 1858, § 3473 (deriv. Acts 1794, ch. 1, § 19); Shan., § 5233; Code 1932, § 9423; impl. am. Acts 1979, ch. 68, § 3; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 23-620.]