3-15-107. Review of operation and programs of department of correction.
The committee shall review regularly the following programs, functions and activities of the department of correction:
(1) Classification and reclassification: including determinations of how inmates are assigned to various security and custody levels; how inmates are assigned to various work, education or training programs; how inmates are provided various treatment programs; how other programs are provided to inmates; or other matters related to classification and assignment of inmates;
(2) Capacity of institutions and other programs: including planning to meet future needs; consideration of alternative uses of existing facilities or programs; or other related matters;
(3) Industrial, agricultural or other programs designed to provide activity for inmates: including conditions of eligibility; performance standards and incentive programs; planning of work programs including estimating capital needs, demand for products or services produced, and determining where and how such programs will be offered; or other related matters;
(4) Education and training programs for inmates: including eligibility; performance standards and incentive programs; planning of programs and estimating capital needs and inmate demand; or other related matters;
(5) Release programs, including eligibility conditions and effects: including regular parole; early release programs such as emergency release, safety valve, release under contract sentencing, work release, clemency, or pardon; or other programs;
(6) Alternative sentencing programs: including community corrections; victim restitution programs; or others;
(7) Local jails: including determining costs and level of state payment for housing felons; state programs for funding renovation and construction; standards and monitoring compliance; long-term planning; or other related matters;
(8) Provision of services, facilities or programs by private contractors;
(9) Staffing within the department: including recruitment, selection, training, compensation, discipline, or other matters;
(10) Management: including planning, budgeting, information systems, organizational structure, rules and regulations, department policies and procedures or other related matters; and
(11) Any other matters considered material.
[Acts 1985 (1st E.S.), ch. 5, § 34.]