3-9-101. Creation Membership.
(a) There is hereby created a council on pensions and insurance to be composed of the following members, ex officio:
(1) The speaker of the senate;
(2) The speaker of the house of representatives;
(3) The chair, vice chair and secretary of the senate committee on finance, ways and means;
(4) The chair, vice chair and secretary of the house committee on finance, ways and means;
(5) The comptroller of the treasury;
(6) The commissioner of finance and administration;
(7) The commissioner of personnel;
(8) The state treasurer;
(9) The director of retirement;
(10) Three (3) members of the senate finance, ways and means committee, appointed by the chair of that committee and approved by the speaker of the senate; and
(11) Three (3) members of the house finance, ways and means committee to be appointed by the chair of that committee and approved by the speaker of the house of representatives.
(b) The three (3) members appointed from the house finance, ways and means committee and the three (3) members appointed from the senate finance, ways and means committee shall serve for their full term of office as members of the general assembly and until their successors are selected and qualified if reelected to either house of the general assembly. Members are eligible to succeed themselves as members of the committee. As terms expire, successors shall be selected during the fifteen-day organizational session of the general assembly.
(c) Vacancies among the six (6) appointed members shall be filled in the same manner as in the original selection of members; provided, that if a vacancy occurs during a period of time when the general assembly is no longer in existence, the speaker of the respective bodies shall fill such vacancies.
(d) (1) All legislative members of the council on pensions and insurance shall be voting members; provided, that the recommendations of any nonlegislative members of the committee attending any meeting of the council shall be made a part of the minutes.
(2) A quorum shall consist of seven (7) voting members.
(3) No member of the council shall have a vote except elected representatives or senators and these votes must be public.
(4) The speaker of the senate may designate a member of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives may designate a member of the house to serve as alternates to vote or otherwise act at council meetings in the absence of the respective speaker. A speaker participating in a council meeting through a designee shall be deemed present at such meeting for purposes of quorum requirements and voting.
(e) The council shall elect from its members a chair, vice chair and any other officers as it considers necessary except the director of retirement, who shall serve as secretary of the council. The division of retirement shall furnish all secretarial, professional, technical and clerical services as required by the council; provided, that all professional and technical services relative to state insurance program issues shall be furnished by the state insurance staff as required by the council.
(f) The council on pensions and insurance shall meet until the new members are duly appointed. The council on pensions and insurance can be called into session at any time by the chair or by a quorum of the council.
(g) All bills pertaining to retirement and state insurance programs shall be referred to this committee for recommendation.
(h) Members of the council on pensions and insurance who are also members of the general assembly shall each receive the same per diem and travel allowance provided by law for members of the general assembly in attending meetings of the general assembly and committees thereof.
(i) For purposes of this chapter, state insurance programs means all insurance programs administered by the state insurance committee or the local education insurance committee pursuant to title 8, chapter 27.
[Acts 1971, ch. 11, § 1; 1975, ch. 39, § 1; 1976, ch. 816, § 1; T.C.A., § 3-901; Acts 1980, ch. 501, §§ 1, 2, 6; 1989, ch. 179, §§ 1-4; 1993, ch. 317, § 1.]