3-9-102. Powers and duties.
(a) The council is authorized to establish its own rules, regulations and procedures and directed to:
(1) Develop, establish and recommend pension and insurance standards and a coherent state policy on pensions and insurance, grounded in progressive and fundamental principles;
(2) Continuously survey pension and insurance developments in other governments, in industry and business and periodically reappraise the state's policy and standards in view of such developments and changing economic and social conditions;
(3) Continuously maintain a critical analysis of the federal social security program and evaluate its objectives and accomplishments;
(4) Appraise pension and insurance provisions in force in Tennessee from time to time, along with those in other states and recommend such changes as considered necessary or advisable in the state's laws;
(5) Review proposals from other sources for changes in the state's laws and transmit recommendations concerning them to the general assembly and the governor;
(6) Submit suggested legislation or amendments to the general assembly and governor for the purpose of carrying out its recommendations; and
(7) Adopt committee amendments as appropriate in regard to any proposed change in the state's law.
(b) The role of the council on pensions and insurance, in reviewing the state insurance program, shall not include the administrative or day-to-day operations of the state insurance programs, including, but not limited to, the selection of vendors to provide services and the resolution of benefit disputes.
[Acts 1971, ch. 11, § 2; 1975, ch. 39, § 2; T.C.A., § 3-902; Acts 1980, ch. 501, § 3; 1989, ch. 179, §§ 5, 6.]