33-3-404. Transfer committees Appointment of members.
A transfer committee consists of five (5) persons. If the person to be transferred is in the custody of the department of children's services, the commissioner of children's services shall appoint two (2) members of the committee, neither of whom may be the transferring chief officer. If the person to be transferred is in the custody of the department of correction, the commissioner of correction shall appoint two (2) members of the committee, neither of whom may be the transferring director. The commissioner of mental health and developmental disabilities shall appoint three (3) members to review transfers of adults and two (2) members to review transfers of children. The executive director of the state commission on children and youth or the director's designee shall be a member of a transfer committee that reviews transfers of children. The committee members shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing commissioners. The commissioners may appoint alternate committee members.
[Acts 1984, ch. 922, § 34; 1989, ch. 278, § 31; 1996, ch. 1079, § 47; 2000, ch. 947, § 1.]