36-5-1001. Appeals of administrative actions by the department of human services Scope.
(a) (1) An appeal that is permitted by state or federal law or regulations for actions of the department of human services relative to Title IV-D child support services involving the following actions of the department shall be processed as provided in subsections (b) and (c) and §§ 36-5-1002 36-5-1006:
(A) A request for information or records, an administrative order or an administrative subpoena issued pursuant to title 36, chapter 5, part 8;
(B) An income withholding order pursuant to title 36, chapter 5, part 5;
(C) Notice of enrollment of a child for health care coverage upon a change of employers or as otherwise authorized pursuant to §§ 36-5-101(h)(2), 36-2-319, 36-5-501(a)(3) or 37-1-151.
(D) Review and adjustment of child support orders pursuant to § 36-5-103;
(E) The enforcement by administrative orders of liens for child support pursuant to title 36, chapter 5, part 9;
(F) Income tax refund intercepts pursuant to 45 C.F.R. 303.72;
(G) Credit information reports pursuant to § 36-5-106;
(H) Distributions of support collections;
(I) Review of administrative orders for payments of overdue support made pursuant to §§ 36-2-322, 36-5-113, and 37-1-151(e) and orders to engage in work activities pursuant to those sections;
(J) Review of orders for administrative determination of continuing exclusive jurisdiction pursuant to § 36-5-813;
(K) Review of civil penalties for failure to provide proper information for the distribution of child support payments pursuant to § 36-5-120; and
(L) Review of income assignment orders for medical coverage entered pursuant to § 36-5-501(a)(3).
(b) Except as otherwise stated in subsections (c) and the following sections of this part, the hearings in subsection (a) shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions for contested case hearings as provided in title 4, chapter 5, part 3.
(c) The person seeking administrative review of the department's actions pursuant to subsection (a) shall file a written request with the department for an administrative hearing within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the notice of an administrative action pursuant to this part as defined by the department.
[Acts 1997, ch. 551, § 16; 1998, ch. 1098, § 40; 2000, ch. 922, §§ 24, 25, 39; 2002, ch. 873, § 1.]