36-5-3005. Duties of the transferor court.
(a) If no request for contest of the request for transfer is filed within fifteen (15) days pursuant to § 36-5-3004(6), or if the contest of the transfer is denied by the transferor court, the clerk of the transferor court shall, within fifteen (15) days thereafter:
(1) Remove from the court file the original pleadings, orders and any other filed documents, or make certified copies of such documents;
(2) Prepare a certified, complete child support payment record, unless the case is being enforced by the department of human services pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act in which situation the department's child support computer system, if operative for the transferor and transferee court at the time of the transfer, shall be used as the child support payment record and the clerk shall not be required to prepare the certified child support payment record;
(3) (A) Mail the originals, or certified copies of the originals, of all documents and, if necessary, the certified child support payment record, to the clerk of the court of the transferee court. The computer record, if operative, shall be used as the official record of the child support obligation;
(B) Mail the notice supplied pursuant to § 36-5-3004(8) to the non-requesting party. The department shall mail the notice in Title IV-D child support cases.
(b) The clerk of the transferor court shall not be required to maintain the copies of the original pleadings or other original documents in the record, but may do so if certified copies are sent.
(c) Upon receipt of the transferred documents and assignment of a docket number by the transferee court, the jurisdiction of the transferor court is terminated.
[Acts 1997, ch. 551, § 5; 1998, ch. 1098, § 52; 2000, ch. 922, § 34.]