36-5-704. Stays of action Issuance of decisions Costs.
(a) If an obligor timely requests a hearing to contest the issue of compliance, or files a motion to modify support or requests that the support obligation be amended as provided in § 36-5-710, the department shall stay the action and may not certify the name of the obligor to any licensing authority for noncompliance with an order of support until the department issues a written decision after a hearing that finds the obligor is not in compliance with an order of support or until the motion to modify or request to amend is decided, as the case may be; provided, that after a decision by the department has been made in the form of a final order as provided in § 4-5-315, there will be no further stay unless a reviewing court issues a stay.
(b) The department shall issue its decision after hearing without undue delay. The department's administrative order must inform the obligor that a petition for judicial review of the department's decision must be filed within sixty (60) days of the date of the administrative order in accordance with the jurisdictional and judicial review provisions of § 36-5-1003. The department shall send an attested copy of the decision to the obligor by regular mail to the obligor's most recent address of record and to any attorney representing the obligor in connection with the hearing under this part.
(c) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the department is authorized to assess costs to the obligor of the unsuccessful appeal of notice of noncompliance. The department may, by motion in the court with jurisdiction over the support order, recover such costs against the obligor and the court shall direct the obligor to pay such costs to the department.
(d) Any hearings held pursuant to this part shall be held at the department of human services' office nearest the obligor's home.
[Acts 1996, ch. 892, § 5; 1996, ch. 892, §§ 5, 15; 1998, ch. 1098, § 70.]