37-5-114. Transfer from department of youth development.
(a) Any juvenile program that was administered by the department of youth development prior to May 21, 1996, shall be transferred to, and administered by, the department of children's services on and after May 21, 1996.
(b) All staff, staff positions, offices, equipment, supplies, property, funds and other resources of any juvenile program under the department of youth development shall be transferred to the department of children's services.
(c) (1) References to the department of youth development or the division of juvenile probation relative to programs for juveniles appearing elsewhere in this code shall be deemed to be references to the department of children's services.
(2) (A) The code commission is directed to change references to the existing titles of officials, offices, agencies and entities, whenever they appear in this code, to conform to the titles of officials, offices, agencies and entities created by the provisions of this chapter.
(B) The code commission is authorized to make grammatical changes in the provisions of this code to effectuate such changes.
(d) (1) All contracts and leases entered into by the department of youth development relative to programs for juveniles shall continue in full force and effect as to all provisions in accordance with the terms and conditions of such contracts or leases in existence on May 21, 1996, unless and until such contracts or leases expire or are duly amended or modified by the parties thereto.
(2) All rules, policies, orders and decisions related to juvenile services promulgated or issued by the department of youth development prior to, and in effect on May 21, 1996, shall remain in force and effect and shall be administered and enforced by the department of children's services until duly amended, repealed, expired, modified or superseded.
[Acts 1996, ch. 1079, § 15.]