37-5-125. Model programs for adolescents at risk.
(a) Through contract with nonprofit corporations, community organizations, volunteer groups, churches, schools and family resource centers, the department of children's services is authorized to establish in each grand division two (2) model after school or summer programs, or both, for young adolescents at risk of placement in the custody of the state. An entity may contract with the department to operate more than one (1) program. Each such model program shall serve not more than twenty-five (25) adolescents and shall strive to improve self-esteem, motivation, responsibility, achievement and goal setting through a variety of activities including, but not necessarily limited to, counseling, tutoring, mentoring, field trips, cultural enrichment experiences, team sports and team projects and problem solving. State funding for each such model program shall not exceed eight thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($8,250) per program.
(b) The department shall promulgate policies and guidelines defining:
(1) The phrase young adolescents at risk of placement in the custody of the state; and
(2) The minimum requirements and components for programs established and funded pursuant to subsection (a).
(c) On or before January 15 of each year, the department shall evaluate the success of such programs and shall report findings and recommendations to the select committee on children and youth.
[Acts 1993, ch. 246, § 1; 1994, ch. 793, § 1; 1994, ch. 917, § 1; 1996, ch. 1079, § 16; T.C.A. § 4-3-2626.]