37-5-502. Basis for licensing Regulations License application Temporary license Non-transferability of license Transfer of operation to circumvent licensing laws or regulations Fees.
(a) (1) Any person or entity operating a child abuse agency, child caring institution, child placing agency, detention center, family boarding home or foster home, group care home, maternity home, or temporary holding resource, as defined in § 37-5-501, must be licensed by the department as provided by this part.
(2) (A) The department has the authority to issue regulations pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, part 2, for the licensing of any persons or entities subject to any provisions of this part and the enforcement of appropriate standards for the health, safety and welfare of children under the care or supervision of those entities.
(B) To the extent they are not inconsistent with the statutory provisions of this part, the regulations of the department that are in effect on July 1, 2000, shall remain in force and effect until modified by regulatory action of the department.
(3) The department's regulations of child care agencies shall be developed, and the continued approval of the licensing of a child care agency, shall be based upon the following criteria:
(A) The safety, welfare and best interests of the children in the care of the agency;
(B) The capability, training and character of the persons providing or supervising the care to the children;
(C) The quality of the methods of care and instruction provided for the children;
(D) The suitability of the facilities provided for the care of the children;
(E) The adequacy of the methods of administration and the management of the child care agency, the agency's personnel policies, and the financing of the agency; and
(F) The present need for the child care agency.
(b) (1) The department shall provide reasonable assistance to applicants or licensees in meeting the child care standards of the department, unless the circumstances demonstrate that further assistance is not compatible with the continued safety, health or welfare of the children in the agency's care, and that regulatory action affecting the agency's license is warranted. All costs and expenses arising from or related to meeting the child care standards of the department shall be borne entirely by the applicant or licensee.
(2) If a licensee is denied the renewal of a license, or if a license is revoked, or if any applicant for a license cannot meet the standards, then the department shall assist in planning for the placement of such children in licensed child care agencies, or other suitable care, return them to their own homes or make any other plans as seem necessary and advisable to meet the particular needs of the children involved.
(c) Application for a license to operate a child care agency shall be made in writing to the department in such manner as the department determines and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee set forth in the fee schedule in subsection (f).
(d) (1) (A) If the department determines that the applicant for a license that is not the renewal of an existing license, has presented satisfactory evidence that the facility that is proposed for the care of children has received fire safety and environmental safety approval, that the applicant and the personnel who will care for the children are capable in all substantial respects to care for the children and that the applicant has the ability and intent to comply with the licensing law and regulations, the department shall issue a temporary license to the applicant; provided, that no temporary license shall be issued for child care agencies that federal law or regulations do not permit the department to license until all necessary licensing requirements are met.
(B) If the department determines that the conditions of the applicant's facility, its methods of care or other circumstances warrant, it may issue a restricted license that limits the agency's authority in one (1) or more areas of operation.
(2) The purpose of the temporary license is to permit the license applicant to demonstrate to the department that it has complied with all licensing laws and regulations applicable to its classification prior to the issuance of an initial annual license.
(3) Within ninety (90) days of the issuance of the temporary license, the department shall determine if the applicant has complied with all regulations governing the classification of child care agency for which the application was made.
(4) (A) If the department determines that the applicant has complied with all licensing regulations for the classification of child care agency for which application was made, the department shall issue an annual license.
(B) If the department determines that the conditions of the applicant's facility, its methods of care or other circumstances warrant, it may issue a restricted license that limits the agency's authority in one (1) or more areas of operation.
(5) In granting any license, the department may limit the total number of children who may be enrolled in the agency regardless of whether the agency may have the physical capacity to care for more children.
(6) The licensee shall post the license in a clearly visible location as determined by the department so that persons visiting the agency can readily view the license.
(7) If the department fails to issue or deny an annual license within ninety (90) days of the granting of the temporary license, the temporary license shall remain in effect, unless suspended, as provided in § 37-5-514 until such determination is made. If an annual license is denied following the issuance of a temporary license, and if a timely appeal is made of the denial of the annual license, the temporary license shall remain in effect, unless suspended, until the board of review renders a decision regarding the denial of the annual license.
(8) If a temporary or annual license is denied, or an annual license is restricted, the applicant may appeal the denial or restriction as provided in § 37-5-514.
(e) (1) Except as provided herein, no license for a child care agency shall be transferable, and the transfer by sale or lease, or in any other manner, of the operation of the agency to any other person or entity shall void the existing license immediately and any pending appeal involving the status of the license, and the agency shall be required to close immediately. If the transferee has made application for, and is granted, a temporary license, the agency may continue operation under the direction of the new licensee. The new licensee in such circumstances may not be the transferor or any person or entity acting on behalf of the transferor.
(2) If the department determines that any person or entity has transferred nominal control of an agency to any persons or entities who are determined by the department to be acting on behalf of the purported transferor in order to circumvent a history of violations of the licensing law or regulations or to otherwise attempt to circumvent the licensing law or regulations or any prior licensing actions instituted by the department, the department may deny the issuance of any license to the applicant. The denial of the license may be appealed as provided in § 37-5-514.
(3) (A) The license of any agency shall not be voided nor shall any pending appeal be voided pursuant to this subsection (e) solely for the reason that the agency is subject to judicial orders directing the transfer of control or management of a child care agency or its license to any receiver, trustee, administrator or executor of an estate, or any similarly situated person or entity.
(B) If the current licensee dies, and provided that no licensing violations require the suspension, denial or revocation of the agency's license, the department may grant family members of the licensee, or administrators or executors of the licensee, a temporary license to continue operation for a period of ninety (90) days. At the end of such period, the department shall determine whether an annual or extended license should be granted to a new licensee as otherwise provided in this section.
(C) Nothing in this subsection (e) shall be construed to prevent the department from taking any regulatory or judicial action as may be required pursuant to the licensing laws and regulations that may be necessary to protect the children in the care of such agency.
(f) The following fees shall apply to applications for licenses for child care agencies licensed pursuant to this part:
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(g) All licensure application and renewal fees collected by the department pursuant to this part shall be paid into the general fund, but shall be earmarked for and dedicated to the department. Such earmarked fees shall be used by the department exclusively to improve child care quality in this state by funding activities that include, but are not limited to, child care provider training activities, but excluding any costs associated with conducting criminal background checks.
(h) A license issued to a child placing agency by the department shall include all boarding homes, group care homes or foster homes approved, supervised and used by the licensed agency as a part of its work.
(i) Notwithstanding any provisions of title 13, chapter 7, to the contrary, upon adoption of a resolution by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the county legislative body, any zoning authority, in determining the suitability of a request for any use of property for the establishment or alteration of any child care agency, may consider the criminal background of the person or persons making a request to such board or may consider the criminal background of any person or persons who will manage or operate such child care agency. The board may require the person to submit a fingerprint sample and a criminal history disclosure form and may submit the fingerprint sample for comparison by the Tennessee bureau of investigation pursuant to § 38-6-109, or it may conduct the background check by other means as it deems appropriate. The zoning authority shall be responsible for all costs associated with obtaining such criminal background information.
[Acts 2000, ch. 981, § 20.]