4-29-233. Governmental entities terminated on June 30, 2012.
(a) The following entities shall terminate on June 30, 2012:
(1) Board for licensing health care facilities, created by § 68-11-203;
(2) Civil defense and disaster compact, created by § 58-2-401;
(3) Department of children's services, created by § 37-5-101;
(4) Department of general services, created by §§ 4-3-101 and 4-3-1101;
(5) Department of human services, created by § 4-3-1201;
(6) Health equity commission, created by § 3-15-401;
(7) Interstate earthquake compact of 1988, created by § 58-2-701;
(8) Judicial nominating commission, created by § 17-4-102;
(9) Judicial performance evaluation commission, created by § 17-4-201;
(10) Southern regional emergency management assistance compact, created by § 58-2-403;
(11) State board for alarm systems contractors, created by § 62-32-306;
(12) State board of accountancy, created by § 62-1-104;
(13) State capitol commission, created by § 4-8-301;
(14) State forestry commission, created by § 11-4-201;
(15) Tennessee arts commission, created by § 4-20-101;
(16) Tennessee council for career and technical education, created by § 49-11-201;
(17) Tennessee emergency management agency, created by § 58-2-103;
(18) Tennessee higher education commission, created by § 49-7-201;
(19) Tennessee life and health insurance guaranty association, created by § 56-12-205;
(20) Tennessee technology development corporation, created by § 4-14-301; and
(21) Tennessee tobacco farmers certifying board, created by § 43-36-102.
(b) Each department, commission, board, agency, or council of state government created during calendar year 2010 terminates on June 30, 2012.
(c) Any governmental entity that has been terminated under this section may be continued, reestablished or restructured in accordance with this chapter.
[Acts 2008, ch. 666, § 2; 2008, ch. 669, § 2; 2008, ch. 753, § 2; 2008, ch. 836, § 2; 2008, ch. 837, § 2; 2008, ch. 945, § 2; 2008, ch. 946, § 2; 2008, ch. 949, § 2; 2008, ch. 950, § 2; 2008, ch. 953, § 2; 2008, ch. 954, § 2; 2008, ch. 1020, § 2; 2008, ch. 1023, § 2; 2008, ch. 1113, § 2; 2009, ch. 79, § 2; 2009, ch. 129, § 2; 2009, ch. 517, § 4; 2009. ch. 544, § 1; 2009, ch. 545, § 2; 2009, ch. 557, § 2.]