4-3-104. Name changes of departments and divisions.
(a) References appearing elsewhere in this code to the department of accounts, the department of the budget or to the office of the state property administrator are deemed references to the department of finance and administration.
(b) References to the department of finance and taxation are deemed references to the department of revenue.
(c) References to the department of highways and public works when relating to public buildings are deemed references to the department of general services.
(d) References to the department of highways and public works, except when relating to public buildings, and references to the bureau of aeronautics, the bureau of highways and the mass transit bureau are deemed references to the department of transportation.
(e) References to the department of institutions are deemed references to the department of correction.
(f) References to the department of insurance and banking are deemed references to the department of commerce and insurance.
(g) References to the department of local finance are deemed references to the department of audit or to the division of local finance.
(h) References to the department of mental health are deemed references to the department of mental health and developmental disabilities.
(i) References to the department of public welfare are deemed references to the department of human services.
(j) References to the department of standards and purchases are deemed references to the department of general services.
(k) References to the staff division of industrial development are deemed references to the industrial development division of the department of economic and community development.
(l) References to the division of hotel and restaurant inspection of the department of conservation are deemed references to the hotel and restaurant division of the department of tourist development.
(m) References to the staff division of veterans' affairs are deemed references to the department of veterans' affairs.
(n) References to the state educational agency for surplus property are deemed references to the department of general services.
(o) References to the tourism development division of the department of economic and community development are deemed references to the tourism division of the department of tourist development.
(p) References to the department of banking are deemed references to the department of financial institutions.
(q) References in title 45, chapter 5, except in § 45-5-304(a)(4), to the department of commerce and insurance are deemed to be references to the department of financial institutions.
(r) References to the department of insurance are deemed references to the department of commerce and insurance.
(s) References to the state planning office appearing in §§ 54-4-203 and 67-6-103 are deemed references to the department of economic and community development.
(t) References to the department of public health are deemed references to the department of health.
(u) References to the department of health and environment are deemed references to the department of health.
(v) References to the department of conservation are deemed references to the department of environment and conservation.
(w) References to the department of labor are deemed references to the department of labor and workforce development.
(x) References to the department of employment security are deemed references to the department of labor and workforce development.
(y) References to the department of personnel are deemed references to the department of human resources.
[Acts 1955, ch. 102, § 1; 1959, ch. 9, §§ 3, 8, 14; 1961, ch. 97, § 3; 1971, ch. 137, § 1; 1972, ch. 543, §§ 5, 7, 9, 12; 1972, ch. 829, § 7; 1972, ch. 852, § 12; 1975, ch. 219, § 1(b); 1975, ch. 248, §§ 1(b), 1(f); 1975, ch. 249, §§ 1(b), 3; 1976, ch. 468, § 2; T.C.A. § 4-301; Acts 1981, ch. 264, §§ 12, 17, 19, 22; 1983, ch. 216, § 2; 1983, ch. 274, § 22; 1983, ch. 311, § 2; 1983, ch. 442, § 4; 1983, ch. 472, § 2; 1991, ch. 289, § 2; 1991, ch. 448, § 2; 1999, ch. 520, § 17; 2000, ch. 947, § 6; 2007, ch. 60, § 2.]