4-3-5302. Task force.
(a) There is created a state government quality improvement task force to issue a report to the governor and the general assembly with recommendations for establishing a total quality management process for state government.
(b) The task force shall be composed of fifteen (15) members.
(c) The governor shall appoint two (2) state employees who are part of the executive service.
(d) The Tennessee state employees association shall appoint from its membership two (2) state employees who are part of the career service.
(e) The speaker of each of the respective houses of the general assembly shall each make the following appointments:
(1) One (1) of its members;
(2) One (1) person who is employed in the private sector and who has management experience in the fields such as quality improvement and quality control; and
(3) One (1) person who is a career service employee as defined in § 8-30-101(3).
(f) The comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee shall serve as a member of the task force.
(g) The commissioner of finance and administration or the commissioner's designee shall serve as a member of the task force.
(h) Three (3) private citizens to be appointed by the governor.
[Acts 1992, ch. 774, § 2.]