40-36-202. Duties of local community corrections advisory board Staff Meetings and officers.
(a) The local community corrections advisory board is empowered by resolution of the county legislative body to perform the following duties:
(1) Assess community-wide needs and advise the county legislative body regarding specific program options;
(2) Participate in the establishment of local eligibility standards for local community corrections programs that meet the local needs of the community;
(3) Adopt the local community corrections plan for submission to the county legislative body;
(4) Adopt program policies;
(5) Recommend to the county legislative body the awarding of subcontracts to proprietary, nonprofit or governmental entities to provide community corrections services, in their discretion;
(6) Monitor the effectiveness of local community correctional services and advise the county legislative body regarding needed modifications;
(7) Inform and educate the general public regarding the need for diversion of selected nonviolent offenders from confinement in correctional institutions in order to gain greater public support for corrections; and
(8) Make an annual report to the county legislative body of the progress of the programs.
(b) The county legislative body may authorize either the local community corrections advisory board or the county mayor to employ, supervise and/or terminate the program staff, who shall be deemed county employees.
(c) Employees hired by the county to administer this chapter in the community shall meet minimum qualifications as set forth by the board of probation and parole in statewide administrative regulations. The local community corrections advisory board or the county mayor, as designated by the county legislative body, shall review and confirm all potential candidates for employment.
(d) Any local community corrections advisory board initially created under this chapter shall receive an orientation developed and conducted by the local government with the assistance of the board of probation and parole within thirty (30) days after the last initial appointment to the board is made.
(e) Each local community corrections advisory board shall meet on a regular basis to transact business, and each local community corrections advisory board shall elect its own chair, vice chair, secretary and necessary committees.
[Acts 1985 (1st E.S.), ch. 3, § 8; 1986, ch. 731, § 1; 1994, ch. 819, §§ 1, 2; 1998, ch. 1049, §§ 44, 45; 2003, ch. 90, § 2.]