40-39-202. Part definitions.
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Board means the board of probation and parole;
(2) Conviction means a judgment entered by a Tennessee court upon a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere, a finding of guilt by a jury or the court notwithstanding any pending appeal or habeas corpus proceeding arising from the judgment. Conviction includes, but is not limited to, a conviction by a federal court or military tribunal, including a court-martial conducted by the armed forces of the United States, and a conviction, whether upon a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere, or a finding of guilt by a jury or the court, in any other state of the United States, other jurisdiction or other country. A conviction, whether upon a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere or a finding of guilt by a jury or the court, for an offense committed in another jurisdiction that would be classified as a sexual offense or a violent sexual offense, if committed in this state, shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this part. Convictions, for the purposes of this part, also include a plea taken in conjunction with § 40-35-313 or its equivalent in any other jurisdiction;
(3) Designated law enforcement agency means any law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the primary or secondary residence, place of physical presence, place of employment, school or institution of higher education where the student is enrolled or, for offenders on supervised probation or parole, the board or court ordered probation officer;
(4) Employed or practices a vocation means any full-time or part-time employment in the state, with or without compensation, or employment that involves counseling, coaching, teaching, supervising, volunteering or working with minors in any way, regardless of the period of employment, whether the employment is financially compensated, volunteered or performed for the purpose of any government or education benefit;
(5) Institution of higher education means a public or private:
(A) Community college;
(B) College;
(C) University; or
(D) Independent postsecondary institution;
(6) Law enforcement agency of any institution of higher education means any campus law enforcement arrangement authorized by § 49-7-118;
(7) Local law enforcement agency means:
(A) Within the territory of a municipality, the municipal police department;
(B) Within the territory of a county having a metropolitan form of government, the metropolitan police department; or
(C) Within the unincorporated territory of a county, the sheriff's office;
(8) Minor means any person under eighteen (18) years of age;
(9) Month means a calendar month;
(10) Offender means both sexual offender and violent sexual offender, unless otherwise designated. An offender who qualifies both as a sexual offender and a violent sexual offender shall be considered a violent sexual offender;
(11) Parent means any biological parent, adoptive parent, or step-parent, and includes any legal or court-appointed guardian or custodian; however, parent shall not include step-parent if the offender's victim was a minor less than thirteen (13) years of age;
(12) Primary residence means a place where the person abides, lodges, resides or establishes any other living accommodations in this state for five (5) consecutive days;
(13) Register means the initial registration of a sexual or violent sexual offender, or the re-registration of a sexual offender or violent sexual offender after deletion or termination from the SOR;
(14) Registering agency means a sheriff's office, municipal police department, metropolitan police department, campus law enforcement agency, the Tennessee department of correction, a private contractor with the Tennessee department of correction or the board;
(15) Relevant information deemed necessary to protect the public means that information set forth in § 40-39-206(e)(1)-(13);
(16) Report means appearance before the proper designated law enforcement agency for any of the purposes set out in this part;
(17) Resident means any person who abides, lodges, resides or establishes any other living accommodations in this state, including establishing a physical presence in this state;
(18) Secondary residence means a place where the person abides, lodges, resides or establishes any other living accommodations in this state for a period of fourteen (14) or more days in the aggregate during any calendar year and that is not the person's primary residence; for a person whose primary residence is not in this state, a place where the person is employed, practices a vocation, or is enrolled as a student for a period of fourteen (14) or more days in the aggregate during any calendar year; or a place where the person routinely abides, lodges, or resides for a period of four (4) or more consecutive or nonconsecutive days in any month and that is not the person's primary residence, including any out-of-state address;
(19) Sexual offender means a person who has been convicted in this state of committing a sexual offense or has another qualifying conviction;
(20) Sexual offense means:
(A) The commission of any act that, on or after November 1, 1989, constitutes the criminal offense of:
(i) Sexual battery, under § 39-13-505;
(ii) Statutory rape, under § 39-13-506, if the defendant has one (1) or more prior convictions for mitigated statutory rape under § 39-13-506(a), statutory rape under § 39-13-506(b) or aggravated statutory rape under § 39-13-506(c);
(iii) Aggravated prostitution, under § 39-13-516;
(iv) Sexual exploitation of a minor, under § 39-17-1003;
(v) False imprisonment where the victim is a minor, under § 39-13-302, except when committed by a parent of the minor;
(vi) Kidnapping, under § 39-13-303, except when committed by a parent of the minor;
(vii) Indecent exposure, under § 39-13-511, upon a third or subsequent conviction;
(viii) Solicitation of a minor, under § 39-13-528 when the offense is classified as a Class D felony, Class E felony, or a misdemeanor;
(ix) Spousal sexual battery, for those committing the offense prior to June 18, 2005, under former § 39-13-507 [repealed];
(x) Attempt, under § 39-12-101, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(A);
(xi) Solicitation, under § 39-12-102, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(A);
(xii) Conspiracy, under § 39-12-103, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(A);
(xiii) Criminal responsibility, under § 39-11-402(2), to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(A);
(xiv) Facilitating the commission, under § 39-11-403, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(A);
(xv) Being an accessory after the fact, under § 39-11-411, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(A);
(xvi) Aggravated statutory rape, under § 39-13-506(c); or
(xvii) Exploitation of a minor by electronic means, under § 39-13-529; or
(B) The commission of any act, that prior to November 1, 1989, constituted the criminal offense of:
(i) Sexual battery, under § 39-2-607 [repealed];
(ii) Statutory rape, under § 39-2-605 [repealed], only if the facts of the conviction satisfy the definition of aggravated statutory rape;
(iii) Assault with intent to commit rape or attempt to commit sexual battery, under § 39-2-608 [repealed];
(iv) Incest, under § 39-4-306 [repealed];
(v) Use of a minor for obscene purposes, under § 39-6-1137 [repealed];
(vi) Promotion of performance including sexual conduct by a minor, under § 39-6-1138 [repealed];
(vii) Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree, under § 39-3703 [repealed];
(viii) Criminal sexual conduct in the second degree, under § 39-3704 [repealed];
(ix) Criminal sexual conduct in the third degree, under § 39-3705 [repealed];
(x) Kidnapping where the victim is a minor, under § 39-2-303 [repealed], except when committed by a parent of the minor;
(xi) Solicitation, under § 39-1-401 [repealed] or § 39-118(b) [repealed], to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(B);
(xii) Attempt, under § 39-1-501 [repealed], § 39-605 [repealed], or § 39-606 [repealed], to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(B);
(xiii) Conspiracy, under § 39-1-601 [repealed] or § 39-1104 [repealed], to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(B); or
(xiv) Accessory before or after the fact, or aider and abettor, under title 39, chapter 1, part 3 [repealed], to any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (20)(B);
(21) SOR means the TBI's centralized record system of offender registration, verification and tracking information;
(22) Student means a person who is enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis in any public or private educational institution, including any secondary school, trade or professional institution or institution of higher learning;
(23) TBI means the Tennessee bureau of investigation;
(24) TBI registration form means the Tennessee sexual offender registration, verification and tracking form;
(25) TDOC means the Tennessee department of correction;
(26) TIES means the Tennessee information enforcement system;
(27) Violent sexual offender means a person who has been convicted in this state of committing a violent sexual offense or has another qualifying conviction;
(28) Violent sexual offense means the commission of any act that constitutes the criminal offense of:
(A) Aggravated rape, under § 39-2-603 [repealed] or § 39-13-502;
(B) Rape, under § 39-2-604 [repealed] or § 39-13-503;
(C) Aggravated sexual battery, under § 39-2-606 [repealed] or § 39-13-504;
(D) Rape of a child, under § 39-13-522;
(E) Attempt to commit rape, under § 39-2-608 [repealed];
(F) Aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor, under § 39-17-1004;
(G) Especially aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor under § 39-17-1005;
(H) Aggravated kidnapping where the victim is a minor, under § 39-13-304, except when committed by a parent of the minor;
(I) Especially aggravated kidnapping where the victim is a minor, under § 39-13-305, except when committed by a parent of the minor;
(J) Sexual battery by an authority figure, under § 39-13-527;
(K) Solicitation of a minor, under § 39-13-528 when the offense is classified as a Class B or Class C felony;
(L) Spousal rape, under § 39-13-507(b)(1) [repealed];
(M) Aggravated spousal rape, under § 39-13-507(c)(1) [repealed];
(N) Criminal exposure to HIV, under § 39-13-109(a)(1);
(O) Statutory rape by an authority figure, under § 39-13-532;
(P) Criminal attempt, under § 39-12-101, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (28);
(Q) Solicitation, under § 39-12-102, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (28);
(R) Conspiracy, under § 39-12-103, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (28);
(S) Criminal responsibility, under § 39-11-402(2), to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (28);
(T) Facilitating the commission, under § 39-11-403, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (28);
(U) Being an accessory after the fact, under § 39-11-411, to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this subdivision (28);
(V) Incest, under § 39-15-302; or
(W) Aggravated rape of a child under § 39-13-531; and
(29) Within forty-eight (48) hours means a continuous forty-eight hour period, not including Saturdays, Sundays, or federal or state holidays.
[Acts 2004, ch. 921, § 1; 2005, ch. 316, § 1; 2006, ch. 890, §§ 6-9; 2007, ch. 262, §§ 1, 2; 2007, ch. 465, §§ 1, 4; 2007, ch. 594, § 6; 2008, ch. 714, § 1; 2008, ch. 1164, § 2.]