40-39-213. Possession of offender identification required.
(a) Every sexual offender and violent sexual offender required to register pursuant to this part who is a resident of this state, upon obtaining a valid driver license or photo identification card issued and properly designated by the department of safety pursuant to § 55-50-353, shall always have the license or identification card in the offender's possession. If any offender is ineligible to be issued a driver license or photo identification card, the department shall provide the offender some other form of identification card or documentation that, if it is kept in the offender's possession, will satisfy the requirements of this section and § 55-50-353. If any sexual offender or violent sexual offender is determined to be indigent, an identification card or other documentation in lieu of an identification card shall be issued to the offender at no cost.
(b) A violation of subsection (a) is a Class E felony punishable by a fine only of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250).
[Acts 2008, ch. 1143, § 1.]