41-1-103. Oath of officers and employees.
(a) All officers and other persons so employed to control and manage the penitentiary for the state shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take and subscribe the following oath:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will fully, faithfully, impartially, and diligently perform all the duties required of me as _____________________________________ in the penitentiary; that I will execute the laws and regulations prescribed for the government of the institution, so far as concerns my office; that I will accept no bribe, or other compensation during my continuance in office, other than such compensation as is allowed by law; and that I will, on no occasion, ill treat or abuse any convict under my care, beyond the punishment ordered by law, or the rules and regulations of the institution.
(b) The oaths of the assistant or deputy commissioners, wardens and superintendents shall be filed with the secretary of state. The oaths of all other employees shall be filed with the commissioner of correction.
(c) The violation of this oath by any of the officers or employees shall be perjury, punishable as in other cases of perjury.
[Code 1858, § 5453; Acts 1871, ch. 94, § 8; impl. am. Acts 1883, ch. 171, § 20; Acts 1895 (E.S.), ch. 7, § 9; Shan., § 7461; mod. Code 1932, § 12064; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 41-103; Acts 1984, ch. 659, § 1.]