41-1-123. Diversion centers for technical violators.
(a) The department of correction, in cooperation with the board of probation and parole, is authorized to establish a diversion program at one (1) or more locations in the state. The program shall provide a structured environment for selected parole technical violators based upon a therapeutic community model. Participants in the program shall, at a minimum, be required to take part in counseling, educational and other programs as the department deems appropriate, to provide community service, and to submit to drug and alcohol screening.
(b) Parole technical violators referred by the board of probation and parole for participation in the diversion program shall not be placed in the program, unless and until the offender has been classified by the department as a suitable candidate for the program, in accordance with policies and guidelines developed jointly by the department and the board.
(c) At its discretion, the department is authorized to operate any program established under this section in conjunction with the special probation technical violator program established under the authority of title 40, chapter 20, part 3.
(d) As used in this section, “parole technical violator” means an offender who has violated the conditions of parole other than by the commission of a new felony offense.
[Acts 2006, ch. 666, § 1.]