42-7-102. Leave of absence with pay Other rights and benefits.
(a) An employee of this state who is a member of the United States air force auxiliary civil air patrol who participates in a training program for the civil air patrol, or in emergency and disaster services, as defined in § 58-2-101, shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay for a period of not more than fifteen (15) days during a calendar year for such purposes if the leave of absence is at the request of the employee's wing commander or the wing commander's designated representative.
(b) If an employee is granted a leave of absence pursuant to this section, the employee shall be entitled to the employee's regular salary during the time the employee is away from the employee's regular duties.
(c) Any leave of absence granted pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other leave of the employee.
(d) All other rights and benefits of the employee, including seniority rights, insurance benefits, health insurance benefits, creditable service, and all other such rights and benefits, shall continue as if a leave of absence had not been granted.
[Acts 2008, ch. 992, § 1.]