43-18-108. Hauling unbaled cotton between sunset and sunrise, where there is a lien, or undivided interest unlawful Exception Penalty.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to haul or carry over any highway any cotton in the seed or ginned, but not baled, on which there is a lien, mortgage, contract for supplies and merchandise, or an undivided interest, between the hours of sunset of any one (1) day and sunrise of the succeeding day; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person or persons hauling cotton to the gin for the purpose of ginning it, or from their farms to their houses or barns; and provided, further, that this section shall not apply where the beneficiary of the lien consents in writing to the hauling.
(b) Any person violating this section commits a Class C misdemeanor.
[Acts 1901, ch. 3, §§ 1, 2; Shan., §§ 6800a1, 6800a2; Code 1932, §§ 11262, 11263; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 43-2010; Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 113.]