43-26-102. Chapter definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Farm means the land, buildings, and machinery used in the commercial production of farm products and nursery stock as defined in § 70-8-303;
(2) Farm operation means a condition or activity that occurs on a farm in connection with the commercial production of farm products or nursery stock as defined in § 70-8-303, and includes, but is not limited to: marketed produce at roadside stands or farm markets; noise; odors; dust; fumes; operation of machinery and irrigation pumps; ground and aerial seeding and spraying; the application of chemical fertilizers, conditioners, insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides; and the employment and use of labor; and
(3) Farm product means those plants and animals useful to man and includes, but is not limited to, forages and sod crops; grains and feed crops; dairy and dairy products; poultry and poultry products; livestock, including breeding and grazing; fruits; vegetables; flowers; seeds; grasses; trees; fish; apiaries; equine and other similar products; or any other product that incorporates the use of food, feed, fiber or fur.
[Acts 1982, ch. 609, § 2; 2002, ch. 592, §§ 1, 2.]