43-38-511. Special members' meetings.
(a) Special members' meetings of the members may be called by:
(1) A majority vote of the board; or
(2) The written petition of at least twenty percent (20%) of the patron members, twenty percent (20%) of the nonpatron members or twenty percent (20%) of all members collectively, submitted to the chair.
(b) The cooperative shall give notice of a special members' meeting by mailing the special members' meeting notice to each member personally at the person's last known post office address or an alternative method approved by the board and the member individually or the members generally. For a member that is an entity, notice mailed or delivered by an alternative method shall be to an officer of the entity. The special members' meeting notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the special members' meeting. The special members' meeting notice shall be issued within ten (10) days from and after the date of the presentation of a members' petition, and the special members' meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days after the date of the presentation of the members' petition.
[Acts 2004, ch. 534, § 20.]