43-8-304. Licensing requirements Insurance.
(a) Each licensee-pilot must hold a valid federal aviation administration agranaut license and prove the licensee's proficiency to the commissioner. These requirements can be supplemented by rule or regulation issued by the commissioner.
(b) An acceptable liability insurance policy in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) shall be in effect, and proof of insurance shall accompany each application for license for an aircraft.
(c) The aircraft licenses shall be prominently displayed on each aircraft and each pilot must carry the license any time the pilot is working as a pilot engaged in custom application of pesticides.
(d) Any person applying for a license as a commercial aerial applicator shall have first obtained a certification in the category of pesticides that they intend to apply, as provided in the Tennessee Application of Pesticides Act of 1978, compiled in title 62, chapter 21, or provide sufficient evidence of an equivalent certification from a state with which the state of Tennessee has a current and official reciprocal agreement.
(e) Any person applying for a license as a commercial aerial applicator shall take an examination administered by the department of agriculture as directed by the commissioner in order to determine if the applicant has the knowledge and technical qualifications necessary for the issuance of a license.
(f) Aerial applicators holding a current license under Tennessee law may renew the license without examination, but the renewed license shall be subject to whatever restrictions or limitations as are indicated by the license pursuant to § 43-8-302(9).
[Acts 1973, ch. 90, § 4; 1974, ch. 431, § 1; T.C.A., §§ 43-2904, 43-9-104; Acts 2003, ch. 120, § 1.]