44-17-702 Part definitions. [Effective January 1, 2010 until June 30, 2014. See the Compiler's Notes.]
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Adult companion animal means a dog or a cat that is over one (1) year of age or has reached sexual maturity, whichever occurs first;
(2) Cat means any live cat of the species felis catus ;
(3) Commercial breeder means any person who possesses or maintains, under the person's immediate control, twenty (20) or more unsterilized adult female dogs or cats in this state for the purpose of selling the offspring as companion animals. Commercial breeder does not include any person who possesses or maintains, under the person's immediate control, dogs or cats in this state:
(A) For the primary purpose of:
(i) The practice of veterinary medicine;
(ii) Hunting, as defined in § 70-1-101(a); or
(iii) Training or handling, or both; or
(B) For the exclusive purpose of engaging in the business of boarding or grooming, or both;
(4) Commissioner means the commissioner of health;
(5) Companion animal means any dog or cat as defined in this part;
(6) Dog means any live dog of the species canis familiaris ;
(7) Person means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or other legal entity; and
(8) Releasing agency means a pound, animal shelter, humane society, animal welfare organization, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or other similar entity or home-based rescue that releases companion animals for adoption.
[Acts 2009, ch. 591, § 1.]