45-1-115. Divisions within department Classification and salaries of department positions.
(a) (1) There are created within the department the following divisions:
(A) The bank examination division;
(B) The bank charter and branch application division;
(C) The credit union division;
(D) The administrative and support services division; and
(E) The industrial loan and thrift companies division.
(2) The commissioner is authorized, with the consent of the governor, to combine, consolidate or abolish any of these divisions, or to create new divisions that are necessary to carry out the duties imposed upon the commissioner and the department.
(b) All positions in the department, with the exception of the commissioner, shall be classified by the commissioner according to the nature of the duties to be performed and the minimum qualifications for appointment, subject to § 45-1-105(b) and this section. The commissioner, having regard for the nature of the services to be performed and the salaries paid for similar work elsewhere, shall establish a salary range for each class of positions and within the salary range shall provide for recognition of professionalism and efficiency of service and for length of service.
[Acts 1973, ch. 294, § 13; T.C.A., § 45-125; Acts 1983, ch. 274, § 6.]