48-249-1007. Filing, service and copying fees.
(a) Filing fees. When the documents described in this chapter are filed with the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall collect the respective fees for such documents, as are specified in this subsection (a). For purposes of this chapter, no document is considered to be filed with the secretary of state unless such document is accompanied by the following fee:
Document Fee
(1) Articles organization As provided in subsection (d)
(2) Certificate of formation $20.00
(3) Certificate of conversion $20.00
(4) Application for reserved name $20.00
(5) Application for use of indistinguishable name $20.00
(6) Notice of transfer or cancellation of reserved name $20.00
(7) Application for or renewal of registered name $20.00
(8) Application for or change, cancellation, or renewal of assumed name $20.00
(9) Statement of change of registered agent, registered office, or both by domestic or foreign LLC $20.00
(10) Statement of change of registered office by registered agent $5.00 per domestic or foreign LLC, but not less than $20.00
(11) Registered agent's statement of resignation $20.00
(12) Articles of amendment $20.00
(13) Restated or amended and restated articles of organization $20.00
(14) Articles of correction $20.00
(15) Certificate of merger $100.00
(16) Statement of abandonment of merger $20.00
(17) Articles of termination by organizers $20.00
(18) Notice of dissolution $20.00
(19) Articles of revocation of dissolution $20.00
(20) Articles of termination $20.00
(21) Certificate of administrative dissolution No fee
(22) Application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution $70.00
(23) Articles of termination following administrative dissolution $100
(24) Certificate of reinstatement No fee
(25) Decree of judicial dissolution No fee
(26) Application for certificate of authority As provided in subsection (d)
(27) Application for amendment to certificate of authority $20.00
(28) Certificate of cancellation of certificate of authority $20.00
(29) Certificate of administrative revocation of certificate of authority No fee
(30) Certificate of cancellation of certificate of authority following administrative revocation $100.00
(31) Application for reinstatement following administrative revocation $70.00
(32) Annual report As provided in subsection (d)
(33) Any other document required or permitted by this chapter to be filed with the secretary of state $20.00
(b) Fee for Service of Process. The secretary of state shall collect a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) each time process is served on the secretary of state under this chapter. The party to a proceeding causing service of process is entitled to recover this fee as costs if it prevails in the proceeding.
(c) Fee for copying. The secretary of state shall collect a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for copying all filed documents relating to a domestic or foreign LLC. All such copies shall be certified or validated by the secretary of state.
(d) Initial and annual fee. The secretary of state shall collect from each domestic LLC and each foreign LLC that is applying for a certificate of authority or is authorized to transact business in this state, as applicable, an initial filing fee in an amount equal to fifty dollars ($50.00) multiplied by the number of members of the domestic or foreign LLC, as specified in the articles of organization or application for certificate of authority, as applicable, and each year thereafter an annual filing fee in an amount equal to fifty dollars ($50.00) multiplied by the number of members of the domestic or foreign LLC, as specified in the annual report; provided, however, that the amount of each initial filing fee and annual filing fee required under this subsection (d) shall be no less than three hundred dollars ($300), and no more than three thousand dollars ($3,000). Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection (d), if the LLC is prohibited by its articles from transacting business in this state, the amount of the initial filing fee or the annual filing fee, as applicable, required under this subsection (d) shall be three hundred dollars ($300) regardless of the number of members of the LLC, as specified in the articles of organization or the annual report; provided, further, that the secretary of state shall collect from each domestic and foreign LLC an additional filing fee of twenty dollars ($20.00), for any annual report that sets forth any change of the registered office or registered agent of the domestic or foreign LLC.
(e) Filing with register of deeds. In addition to the other filing requirements of this chapter, a copy of all documents specified in subdivisions (a)(1) and (a)(12)-(19) shall also be filed in the office of the register of deeds in the county in which an LLC has its principal executive office, if such principal executive office is in this state, and in the case of a merger, in the county in which the surviving LLC or other entity shall have its principal executive office, if such principal executive office is in this state. The register of deeds may charge five dollars ($5.00), plus fifty cents (50¢) per page for each page in excess of five (5) pages, for such filing. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection (e), the failure to file a copy of a document in the office of the register of deeds under this subsection (e) shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the document.
[Acts 2005, ch. 286, § 1.]