48-249-1128. Annual qualification statement.
(a) Statement if required by licensing authority. If required by a rule promulgated by the licensing authority having jurisdiction over a professional service described in the articles of a domestic PLLC or certificate of authority of a foreign PLLC, each such domestic PLLC and each such foreign PLLC that is authorized to transact business in this state shall deliver, for filing to each licensing authority having jurisdiction over a professional service described in the domestic PLLC's articles or foreign PLLC's certificate of authority, an annual statement of qualification setting forth:
(1) The names and usual business addresses of its members, holders of financial rights, or their equivalents, if any, directors, or their equivalents, if any, managers, or their equivalents, if any, and officers, or their equivalents, if any; and
(2) Information required by rule promulgated by the licensing authority to determine compliance with this part and other rules promulgated under this part.
(b) Delivery date. The first qualification statement of a domestic or foreign PLLC required under this section shall be delivered to the licensing authority between January 1 and April 1 of the year following the adoption of a rule requiring such statements and the calendar year in which the domestic PLLC was formed, professional LLC status was elected for the PLLC, or the foreign PLLC was authorized to transact business in this state, as applicable. Subsequent qualification statements shall be delivered to the licensing authority between January 1 and April 1 of the following calendar years.
(c) No additional information. Any information required by a licensing authority, pursuant to this section, shall be submitted in the annual statement of qualification, and the licensing authority shall have no authority to require a domestic PLLC to include in its articles, filed pursuant to §§ 48-249-201, 48-249-202 and 48-249-1103, any information other than that which is specifically prescribed by §§ 48-249-201, 48-249-202 and 48-249-1103, or to require a foreign PLLC to include in its application for certificate of authority, filed pursuant to §§ 48-249-904 and 48-249-1124, or any amendment of such certificate of authority, any information other than that which is specifically prescribed by §§ 48-249-904 and 48-249-1124.
[Acts 2005, ch. 286, § 1.]