49-1-504. Model teen learning centers Grants Budgets.
(a) If the most recent annual data maintained by the department of health, state center for health statistics, indicates for any county that the pregnancy rate exceeded sixty-eight (68) pregnancies per one thousand (1,000) females aged fifteen (15) through seventeen (17), then each LEA within the county may apply to the department of education for a one-time, start-up grant to provide first year funding for planning, implementation and operation of a model teen learning center.
(b) During the second and subsequent years following establishment of a model teen learning center, the LEA may annually apply to the department of education for an operating grant to assist in defrayal of the center's expenses. The operating grant shall not exceed one half (½) of the difference between the center's annual income and annual operating expenses. If, after establishment of a model teen learning center, a reduction in the teen pregnancy rate occurs within the county, an LEA shall not be rendered ineligible to apply for and receive the operating grants.
(c) Each application for a start-up grant or for an operating grant shall include a two-year projected budget. The projected budget shall include the center's anticipated income from local, state, federal and other sources. The departments of education and human services shall jointly undertake appropriate actions to assure full receipt and utilization of family support funds as well as any other federal, state or other funding sources available to defray the expense of child care for the teen parents of children who are enrolled in model teen learning centers.
(d) Sections 49-1-501 49-1-508 shall not be construed as constituting an appropriation of public funds.
[Acts 1990, ch. 996, § 4; 1996, ch. 1079, § 183.]