49-13-107. Application process.
On or before October 1 of the year preceding the year in which the proposed public charter school plans to begin operation, the sponsor seeking to establish a public charter school shall prepare and file with the local board of education an application providing the following information and documents:
(1) A statement defining the mission and goals of the proposed public charter school;
(2) The proposed instructional goals and methods for the school, which, at a minimum, shall include teaching and classroom instruction methods that will be used to provide students with the knowledge, proficiency and skills needed to reach the goals of the school;
(3) A plan for evaluating student academic achievement at the proposed public charter school and the procedures for remedial action that will be used by the school when the academic achievement of a student falls below acceptable standards;
(4) An operating budget based on anticipated enrollment;
(5) The method for conducting annual audits of the financial, administrative and program operations of the school;
(6) A timetable for commencing operations as a public charter school that shall provide for a minimum number of academic instruction days, which shall not be fewer than those required by statute;
(7) The proposed rules and policies for governance and operation of the school;
(8) The names and addresses of the members of the governing body;
(9) A description of the anticipated student enrollment and the nondiscriminatory admission policies;
(10) The code of behavior and discipline of the proposed public charter school;
(11) The plan for compliance with the applicable health and safety laws and regulations of the federal government and the laws of the state;
(12) The qualifications required of employees of the proposed public charter school;
(13) The identification of the individuals and entities sponsoring the proposed public charter school, including their names and addresses;
(14) The procedures governing the deposit and investment of idle funds, purchasing procedures and comprehensive travel regulations;
(15) The plan for the management and administration of the school;
(16) A copy of the proposed bylaws of the governing body of the charter school;
(17) A statement of assurance of liability by the governing body of the charter school;
(18) Types and amounts of insurance coverage to be held either by the charter school or approved by the local board of education, including provisions for assuring that the insurance provider will notify the department of education within ten (10) days of the cancellation of any insurance it carries on the charter school;
(19) The plan for transportation for the pupils attending the charter school; and
(20) Information regarding financing commitments from equity investors or debt sources for cash or similar liquid assets sufficient to demonstrate that the charter school will have liquid assets sufficiently available to operate the school on an ongoing and sound financial basis. In lieu of cash or similar liquid assets, an applicant may provide a financial bond issued by a company authorized to issue surety bonds in this state.
[Acts 2002, ch. 850, § 7; 2005, ch. 414, § 6.]